
Lab News

October, 2023 

We celebrated the end of data collection in our baby project. Our sincere appreciation goes out to the families who took part in this study!

September, 2023 

Our lab joined the Science Exhibition (Vísindavaka) in Reykjavik on 30th of September. Thanks for your visit and questions! Check out the program:

September, 2023 

Our spin-off project on individual differences in babies’ social preferences has received funding from Kindfund! A big congratulations to our collaborators Yiyi Wang (University of Chicago) and Kelsey Lucca (Arizona State University).

With this fund, we will be able to support our research assistants in their data processing.

You can find the registered report here:

September, 2023 

We were on the RÚV news with Hafdís Kristný Haraldsdóttir and Stefanía Guðrún Eyjólfsdóttir and introduced our baby project. You can watch it at 12.38 in this link.

September, 2023

Í kvöldfréttum RÚV í gærkvöldið var fjallað um rannsóknarverkefni sem unnið er við Sálfræðideild HA og rannsakar félagslegt mat ungra barna.
Facebook: Háskólinn á Akureyri

January, 2023, Akureyri  

Our lab received internal research grant for the project “Social Evaluations in Babies” from the University of Akureyri.

Rejection Party, 26 May 2022, Istanbul

Borrowing the idea from Dr. Barbara W. Sarnecka, we also had a rejection party in our lab. We celebrated our students’ rejection in their graduate school applications, and even celebrated the upcoming ones.

Istanbul Marathon, 09 November 2021, Istanbul

We joined the Istanbul Marathon and ran 15 km to raise money for Mother-Child Education Foundation because every child deserves a fair start in life.

Here is our campaign website.

Online Project & Lab Meetings, 2021-2022

February, 2021, Istanbul

Our lab received internal research grant for the project “Exploration” from MEF University.